1. Account 口座
You can have a checking account and a savings account. The checking account (also called current account in British English) allows you to take out money anytime you want. The savings account allows you to save money and also earn interest.


2. Credit 貸方 信用 借款
Credit is the money you receive in your bank account or the money a bank lends you. Credit can also refer to the financial reputation (background or record) you have when you’re considering borrowing money from a bank. A credit card is a card that allows you to spend more money than you have, but then you have to pay interest. The word credit can also be used in a general sense: When you give someone credit, you acknowledge their efforts or worth.


3. Debit 借方
This is money taken out of your bank account or money you owe. A debit card allows you to use the money in your account by paying in stores or online. You can also use this card by getting money from a cash machine or ATM. In addition, you can use this word as a verb: To debit money means to take out money from an account.


4. Balance 残高
Your balance is the money you have in an account. This is the difference between what you spend (debits) and what you receive (credits).


5. Debt 債務
A debt is a sum of money that’s owed. You can also use the word in a general way: If you are in debt to someone, it can mean you owe them a favor or are grateful for something.


6. Interest Rate 金利
If you borrow money from a bank, you’ll need to pay it back. In addition to this, you’ll need to pay interest. The amount of interest is decided by an interest rate, which is calculated for a given period of time. If you have a savings account, the bank will pay you interest for being able to use your money over a certain period of time.


7. To Withdraw 引出し
To withdraw money is to remove money from an account.


8. To Overdraw
To overdraw is to try to withdraw more money than you have in your account. In this case, you generally have to pay some extra fees. It’s advisable (a good idea) to pay attention to your balance so you don’t overdraw money.


9. Overdraft 当座貸越
This is money that you withdraw from your account when you no longer have available funds. This is like a loan the bank gives you.


10. ATM
ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine, which is a machine that helps you make bank transactions just by using your card. The word teller refers to the bank clerk who helps you with transactions. Cash-point or cash machine are also used.


11. Direct Debit 自動引落
This is an arrangement to make regular payments of different amounts, usually for utilities (services like electricity and water) or credit card bills. By using direct debit, you avoid having to make monthly transactions.


12. Standing Order 口座自動振替
This means an arrangement to make regular, fixed payments automatically from one’s account. Standing orders are different from direct debits because the amount paid cannot vary (change).


13. Deferred Payment 後払い
A deferred payment is a payment that’s postponed (put off) for a later date because you cannot complete the transaction when you would normally complete it.


14. Statement
A bank statement is a list of all the transactions that happened in a bank account over a certain period of time. It shows all the debits, the credits and the balance.


15. Personal Identification Number (PIN)
This is a secret combination of numbers that only account holders can use to access their accounts.


16. Safety Deposit Box
A safety deposit box is a safe that the bank rents for people to store their valuable items.


17.Credit Limit 与信限度
Your credit limit is the maximum amount of money a bank will let you borrow based on your financial situation.


18. Mortgage 抵当
A mortgage is an agreement by which someone can borrow money from a bank to buy a house. The bank becomes the owner of the house until the debt is paid up.


19. Collateral. 担保
This is something, like a house, that’s used as a guarantee (assurance or backup) when taking out a loan. If the borrower cannot pay the debt, the bank becomes the owner of the collateral.


20. Appraisal 鑑定
Appraisal is the evaluation of the value of a property, usually done by a bank representative. An appraisal is usually carried out before taking out a mortgage.


21. Guarantor 保証人
A guarantor is a person who agrees to pay for someone else’s debts, if this person cannot pay.


22. Payoff 決済 清算
This is the complete payment of a loan.


23. Clause 条項
A clause is a part of a contract that gives details about a certain situation that’s covered by the contract.


24. Prepayment 前払い
Prepayment is settlement of a debt before the due date. Sometimes there are prepayment penalties that banks charge in this case.


25. Bank Charges 銀行手数料
Bank charges are all the fees a bank requires you to pay in exchange for its services (using a credit or a debit card, making transactions, taking out loans). Bank charges can also be referred to as commissions.


26. Electronic Banking
Electronic banking is a system that allows customers to complete banking transactions on the Internet. It’s also called online banking, Internet banking or e-banking.
